Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Moved In

Moved into the shack this long weekend. Slept three nights there now and I got to say I really like it. By the way, I really shouldnt call it a shack, as its more a glorified wall-tent.

Spent hours and hours beside a hot fire all weekend. Very relaxing and settling.

The tent is buttoned up, as the second night I slept there I almost didn't get any sleep I was so cold.
I found the culprit, and that was the tarp was un-secured and letting air in.
As soon as the breeze starts hitting you, your done.

I also set two extra blankets wrapped around my sleeping bags so now I am sleeping in a four layered taco. Very warm!!

I spent alot of time thinking about it last night and realised that living there doesn't make any financial sense. I am spending more on fuel, entertainment inside town(Starcraft), and food, all together than I would on a 400$ room a month. Not to mention the wear and tear on the truck and the eventual repair bills i would have to pay on it. Also, I would inevitably spend lots of money just to make living there in the winter possible as well.

As soon as I can, I will look for a room, and definately keep the shack as my weekend get-away place, in lue-of money for a cabin and land.

Oh, and for you starcraft players, this weekend I made Platinum League!! Very hard for me to do, I had to destroy many-a expert player to do so!

Other than that, life is fine

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