Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Help Comes In Fours

Yesterday was a interesting day.

I guess all my whining has gotten around and decided to cause some trouble.

Four levels of help came to me and Ill tell you what they are.

First is a Santa Clause sized satchel full of muffins. My muchy rations for at least a week, as well as each guy in my class got a muffin today. They where burnt while I was working. The whole... muffin batch. But to be honest it wasnt really my fault. Well, mostly not my fault.

Second is a co-student ended up giving me a bunch of cash straight up. (I gave half of it back today, but still kept the rest), partly for helping him with some school work and mostly just to help. It took me back a bit, and I didnt want to accept it at first, but he was sincere and Ill get him back.

Third is my grandparents emailed me in a panic wanting to help me. And through a phone call and bunch of talking they are going to help me, wether I wanted to be helped or not, it is best. And now much appreciated, cause taking out loans with a 100% interest makes no sense and is hard to get out of.

Fourth, on my way home I decided (Wisely) to check out a big campsite that had been in use for a week or so and recently vacated. I ended up finding a huge stash of big rounds of nice pine firewood!!! Loaded the hell out of my truck and dumped it as near as I could get to my shack with my truck. Tomorrow, on my day off, ill sweat it into my location.

So somewhere it was decided that I was to be given a helping hand that day.

Note: May have a giant lead to getting my hands on a wood stove! As well as sounds like a guy in my class is gonna try to help me with building a good roof for my shack!!

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