Sunday, October 17, 2010

Failed Attempt Number One,

Couple of nights ago, I may have mentioned, it was SUPER cold. Yesterday I went online and did a weather check and found out that last night was to be the last day in this last little cold front and that it was going to be zero degrees in kelowna which would mean minus three or four where I am. On one side I was happy that it would be only one more really cold night for the next little bit, I was also worried, cause I still wont be able to grab a stove for I dont know how long and Im not getting much sleep.

So Yesterday after work was done (10Am haha im finished), I went to play the last of my hours at the computer gaming store. I feel pretty satiated with Starcraft as Ive gotten into the league that I think I deserve to be in, and now I feel like ive played enough of it for a while and am starting to get back into reading for entertainment.

Buddy said he would call me for some of his homemade beers, and he did, but said that he was pretty smoked from work, which was just fine by me as I kind of wanted to enjoy me night off relaxed by a fire, and that I did.

I built a nice hot fire and kept it hot (Cause it was really cold last night), and while I was fire side, I went over my mind of different temporary options to get a warm nights rest.

A guy had told me once that when your wintercamping boil a couple of liters of water and put it into a 2liter coke bottle and throw that in your sleeping bag. He said that went a long way to getting a warm sleep. I thought of that, but i didnt have much water to spare, or a 2liter pop bottle, AND I dont know if I want a bottle of water in my sleeping bag as I dont think it would be that comfortable.

I also thought of my assets for that night. My biggest asset being a warm fire, even though its outside of my tent. What does a hot fire have at the end of the night? Well, coals and the stones around it are hot too. That let me into the train of thought of sauna's and how they work. Coals and hot rocks right? Well, I didnt want open coals in my tent , but would hot rocks keep me warm?

In theory I thought so, and I ended up putting out quite a bit of effort to make that Idea happen, Unfortunately last night was the coldest night ive slept yet and barely got any sleep considering the huge amount of hours I spent in that bed (9pm-11Am!!). Though the hugely broken up sleep gave way to an amazing amount of vivid dreams.

Unfortunately because there where so many dreams, I dont remember any of them specifically, just bits and pieces. I still liked it though as its almost a psycadelic trip.
So all this said, I am no closer to solving my issues of a warms night sleep, though the weather should give me some mercy for the next couple days at least.

I also have to deal with a big pile of big stones in my tent now, ha.

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