Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Beginning,

So, as i've never had a blog before, I guess ill just start off as if I have been doing this for a while.

Last night I finally had time to get a huge sleep. About 12 hours actually. The weekend partying in vancouver and then the late drive out here to kelowna, and starting work at 4 in the morning on monday, killed me. The hungarian moonshine (Called Palinka), was drank by me like water on saturday night (For my Moms birthday), and monday and sunday I felt it hard.
Last night was tuesday, and the reason I still not had a good sleep is on monday night, (The night I should have focused on recovering), I stayed in town and played Starcraft II for hours. Then worked again 4 in the morning at the bakery on tuesday, and had school both days... Big mistake


The twelve hour sleep I had was great, but I didnt walk away from it actually getting  full twelve hours. I underestimated the weather, and went to sleep with not much warm clothing and tossed and turned from the cold quite a bit. But all in all I got enough sleep to recover.

This morning was the coldest ive been in yet. Surprising cold. Was difficult to get changed in my truck before my balls froze off (Sorry for that rough language, but was the absolute truth). Maybe a small taste of things to come this winter.

My doubled up sleeping bag set-up wasn't warm enough. Even though one of them is rated for minus 17 degrees celcius. Though to be fair to it, its pretty warn out, and has been washed one too many times.

It looks like my plan for the winter is setting up a multi layered sleeping cover system. With A very large, heavy duty wool blanket wrapped around a smaller down blanket wrapped around my double sleeping bag wrap. The large blankets will be fastened on the sides to the ply-wood sheet that is my bed frame, so as not to shift. Hopefully the wood stove can keep the shack warmish for most of the night too.

Im looking foward to finally moving into the shack..

Its a long drive up the mountain just to park my truck. Even if the location is awsome.

Not much to do to move in really, but there is always something better to do in town, (Starcraft II), and without the wood stove yet, the motivation to get in there isn't quite enough yet. Though a soon as I get free night ill probably do it.

At school, we are working in the wood shop now, and have huge wood waste bins all over the place. I asked one of the authority figures if I can get access to the garbage wood, and he said for sure, no problem. SWEET!!! heating supply for the winter, DONE.

One of the guys from the classroom advised against using the wood-waste because something from processed wood gums up wood stoves and fire-places. But what he doesn't know is , I dont give a shit...

Oh well, advice taken and stored in my brain. Maybe sometime when I own a nice wood stove, ill try not to use wood-shop waste.

Today was the first day in the shop for school, instead of sitting in the same chair in a classroom for eight hours. And man did the time fly. Sometime during midday I looked up from my work and noticed only a few guys left and the teacher, so I asked where everyone was, and the teacher told me they went for lunch break 20minutes ago, haha. Oops, having too much fun with a wood planer.

Hope this was a good first blog!,

now off to Starcraft...

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