Thursday, January 13, 2011

A bachelor is a man who comes to work every morning from a new direction

Im a bachelor.

And I am a adventurer.

Id like to say Im not a home-body, though I do spend more time than Id like behind the computer screen.
But, when I meet new people and get pulled into adventures, I thrive.

This weekend was just that.

After work on saturday (4am-1pm), I was tired and strung out, but thought, secondhandedly that I really should hit the gym as its been a few days. So off I went.

Well once there, very quickly I started climbing and talking with a couple girls there. Well, lets just say my charm didnt fail, and one thing led to another. Boom, I was off to Silverstar Resort to go skiing and later having drinks with three girls in a hot-tub/hotel room.

SilverStar is about 1hr and 20mins away from where I live on a good run. ALOT longer when you get badly lost on the way out there.

Thats okay, awsome ski and the girls where alot of fun.

One girl in particular, made sure I was good and truly drunk.

Lots of rum and vodka went into my body, and I got to say I was at the point of falling.

Hmm, how to wrap this up.

Well, lets just say, that particular girl succeeded in her intentions that night, and I got no sleep at all.

The thing is, I had work the next morning.
Wow, thats a long way away and SOOOO Early.

Work that next day was the hardest day of my life. Bar none.

During one of the brief periods that I was able to open my mouth up to speak, my buddy and co-worker said that even though being married and having kids is tiring; looking at me, he was happy with his lot.

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