Summer cant come too soon,
And ill just keep dreaming.
An explanation of life. A deep look into the soul. A review of toothpaste brands... Ummm... A description of different types of dung beatles...... A close look at nipple hairs...????
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I am on this blog right now, because I feel it is the most productive way for me to go about my homework. Homework is a word with ten and a half letters, with three of those not seen by the human eye. It is a powerfull word, with much deep meaning attached to it. I feel the best way to go about that precious HOMEWORK is to talk about it endlessly. How did the elephant cross the road? By putting one gigantic hoof infront of the other. How did the whale belly dance? By increasing its ability to create hummus.
If there was a basket, how many apples could you fit in it?
The air is made up of oxygen and hydrogen. That is a fact. I am crazy. Is that a fact?
One flew east,
One flew west,
One flew over the cuckoos nest.
Books are created by trees. Trees are created by? The universe. My body is strong. Is it? Does it do homework?
Dont wear the same clothes or you are likely to get caught; Thats what she said.
You following?
The samurai is my friend.
If there was a basket, how many apples could you fit in it?
The air is made up of oxygen and hydrogen. That is a fact. I am crazy. Is that a fact?
One flew east,
One flew west,
One flew over the cuckoos nest.
Books are created by trees. Trees are created by? The universe. My body is strong. Is it? Does it do homework?
Dont wear the same clothes or you are likely to get caught; Thats what she said.
You following?
The samurai is my friend.
I got alot of homework to do,
And im NOT happy about it....
At least there is a sun-set outside my window.
At least there is a sun-set outside my window.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Strange Night
So, After school I went to bed straight away. 4pm I hit the sack, and woke up 7pm...
As I was waking up, I wanted something. Wanted to get something out of the night. I ended up turning down a chance to go skiing with some guys from school, as I had done it a few times already, and it is a gigantic pain in the ass to get on the ski hill.
I didnt want to get trashed, or go clubbing.
What I really wanted was a classy date...
What I settled for though, is whatever show, or event, I could find in the newspaper. What I found was a little celtic/fiddle band playing down the street. So off I went,
To be surrounded by a 50+ audience hahahaha, and me all dressed up and the only person in the whole building in his twenties.
Well, I still enjoyed myself (With a little resolve), but it did re-afirm my resolve to ask a girl out that I have been planning on for a while.
I need to go on some DATES!
As I was waking up, I wanted something. Wanted to get something out of the night. I ended up turning down a chance to go skiing with some guys from school, as I had done it a few times already, and it is a gigantic pain in the ass to get on the ski hill.
I didnt want to get trashed, or go clubbing.
What I really wanted was a classy date...
What I settled for though, is whatever show, or event, I could find in the newspaper. What I found was a little celtic/fiddle band playing down the street. So off I went,
To be surrounded by a 50+ audience hahahaha, and me all dressed up and the only person in the whole building in his twenties.
Well, I still enjoyed myself (With a little resolve), but it did re-afirm my resolve to ask a girl out that I have been planning on for a while.
I need to go on some DATES!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Got new toys!!! Like christmas
I ordered a bunch of goodies, some very useful, some not so much, from MEC,
And two days later.... BOOM!
No, they are not hanging voodo symbols or some ancient tribal totems. They are pull up holds. Hanging in a good location that has alot of traffic. Anytime im running by them, I can pull off a small set of pull-ups.
MEC is my hero!
And two days later.... BOOM!

MEC is my hero!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Differential
For years, a simple concept has been bugging me.
How a differential works?!?
Last night, my epic journey to uncover the truth behind that differential at the back/underside of my truck, was finally put to rest.
With the help of this awsome video right here!
How a differential works?!?
Last night, my epic journey to uncover the truth behind that differential at the back/underside of my truck, was finally put to rest.
With the help of this awsome video right here!
The Command Center
In this last week, my room has aquired a new, extremely useful, friend.
My computer desk!
There is no feeling quite like being behind its protective curves. It wraps around you like your mothers arms wrapping you in comfort and security.
I guess Id have to explain my over-enthusiasm to you.
I have never had a real desk.
Through out the years I have foced myself into uncomfortable sitting positions and awkward arm placement, on any range of slightly uncomfortable, to horribly confined working areas.
This desk gives my brain a chance to organize itself, giving my ego a chance to build up and let my brain know **You can do it!!, you can understand this difficult concept, cause YOUR A GENIUS!**
*** Note : I use ** Instead of quotation marks, as my keyboard is missing quite a few keys, as a result of my attempting to clean the thing.
**** Note : the desk is bigger and more comfortable than it appears on my crappy camera/phone.
My computer desk!
There is no feeling quite like being behind its protective curves. It wraps around you like your mothers arms wrapping you in comfort and security.
I guess Id have to explain my over-enthusiasm to you.
I have never had a real desk.
Through out the years I have foced myself into uncomfortable sitting positions and awkward arm placement, on any range of slightly uncomfortable, to horribly confined working areas.
This desk gives my brain a chance to organize itself, giving my ego a chance to build up and let my brain know **You can do it!!, you can understand this difficult concept, cause YOUR A GENIUS!**
**** Note : the desk is bigger and more comfortable than it appears on my crappy camera/phone.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Six-pack = Summer
After hours and hours, days and days; of climbing at the gym. My six-pack has finally shown itself again!! Summer, Here I Come.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
climb climb climb
The longer I am in this town, the more I am realising that my Introspective personality is getting me less satisfying social encounters than I think Id like.
I feel a little drained out.
Ultimately I need to build up my social network, and when I first came here, I thought that was going well. But im starting to realise that my Lone Wolf personality is getting in the way a bit.
More that my Lone Wolf personality has its major drawbacks sometimes.
So what do I do?
Climb. Hit the gym and climb, actually ill climb again tonight I think. Work off that little tummy that I have developed since summer time.
I feel a little drained out.
Ultimately I need to build up my social network, and when I first came here, I thought that was going well. But im starting to realise that my Lone Wolf personality is getting in the way a bit.
More that my Lone Wolf personality has its major drawbacks sometimes.
So what do I do?
Climb. Hit the gym and climb, actually ill climb again tonight I think. Work off that little tummy that I have developed since summer time.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Reminiscing with old songs
Just plugged in a old song I used to love lifetimes ago,
Bringing back the memories of when I was 19 or 20 and the world was so wide and free.
Its a good feeling.
Bringing back the memories of when I was 19 or 20 and the world was so wide and free.
Its a good feeling.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Hard Truth, Hard Question.
In class yesterday,
We explored the theory of the Jahari window.
It basically described a four-paned window.
In each windo-pane was a different set of perspectives.
We explored the theory of the Jahari window.
It basically described a four-paned window.
In each windo-pane was a different set of perspectives.
Are teacher asked us to take a honest look at ourselves. And ask ourselves how open we were to other peoples knowlege of us, and how open we where to giving knowledge to others, when it is us who know it, and them who dont.
Born to run.
A friend of mine was telling me of a story he had read, of a man who researched humans need to run.
He said some things about how some cultures in the world that actually run, as a part of their lives, live better than us. Are happier.
I wonder if thats why I dont feel as strong as I once did.
My diet is the shits right now, though better than it was two months ago. I wonder if that is a contributor to my low energy in class.
Hitting the gym has been excellent body/muscle building, though I do crave some straight cardio.
We crave the strangest things.
He said some things about how some cultures in the world that actually run, as a part of their lives, live better than us. Are happier.
I wonder if thats why I dont feel as strong as I once did.
My diet is the shits right now, though better than it was two months ago. I wonder if that is a contributor to my low energy in class.
Hitting the gym has been excellent body/muscle building, though I do crave some straight cardio.
We crave the strangest things.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
The little tarp-shack still stands!!! haha
Some pics of the little hut that I visited today,
not at all expecting it to be standing, after over a month of neglect and heavy snowfall.
Made it to the road, after sweating it hard through thick-deep snow in the bush. At that point, I was starting to get a tinge worried about my orientation, as once you start walking through the bush, things look the same, REALLY fast.
not at all expecting it to be standing, after over a month of neglect and heavy snowfall.

Thursday, January 13, 2011
A bachelor is a man who comes to work every morning from a new direction
Im a bachelor.
And I am a adventurer.
Id like to say Im not a home-body, though I do spend more time than Id like behind the computer screen.
But, when I meet new people and get pulled into adventures, I thrive.
This weekend was just that.
After work on saturday (4am-1pm), I was tired and strung out, but thought, secondhandedly that I really should hit the gym as its been a few days. So off I went.
Well once there, very quickly I started climbing and talking with a couple girls there. Well, lets just say my charm didnt fail, and one thing led to another. Boom, I was off to Silverstar Resort to go skiing and later having drinks with three girls in a hot-tub/hotel room.
SilverStar is about 1hr and 20mins away from where I live on a good run. ALOT longer when you get badly lost on the way out there.
Thats okay, awsome ski and the girls where alot of fun.
One girl in particular, made sure I was good and truly drunk.
Lots of rum and vodka went into my body, and I got to say I was at the point of falling.
Hmm, how to wrap this up.
Well, lets just say, that particular girl succeeded in her intentions that night, and I got no sleep at all.
The thing is, I had work the next morning.
Wow, thats a long way away and SOOOO Early.
Work that next day was the hardest day of my life. Bar none.
During one of the brief periods that I was able to open my mouth up to speak, my buddy and co-worker said that even though being married and having kids is tiring; looking at me, he was happy with his lot.
And I am a adventurer.
Id like to say Im not a home-body, though I do spend more time than Id like behind the computer screen.
But, when I meet new people and get pulled into adventures, I thrive.
This weekend was just that.
After work on saturday (4am-1pm), I was tired and strung out, but thought, secondhandedly that I really should hit the gym as its been a few days. So off I went.
Well once there, very quickly I started climbing and talking with a couple girls there. Well, lets just say my charm didnt fail, and one thing led to another. Boom, I was off to Silverstar Resort to go skiing and later having drinks with three girls in a hot-tub/hotel room.
SilverStar is about 1hr and 20mins away from where I live on a good run. ALOT longer when you get badly lost on the way out there.
Thats okay, awsome ski and the girls where alot of fun.
One girl in particular, made sure I was good and truly drunk.
Lots of rum and vodka went into my body, and I got to say I was at the point of falling.
Hmm, how to wrap this up.
Well, lets just say, that particular girl succeeded in her intentions that night, and I got no sleep at all.
The thing is, I had work the next morning.
Wow, thats a long way away and SOOOO Early.
Work that next day was the hardest day of my life. Bar none.
During one of the brief periods that I was able to open my mouth up to speak, my buddy and co-worker said that even though being married and having kids is tiring; looking at me, he was happy with his lot.
Maintenance on the Red Dragon
My buddy gave a name to my truck today,
called it the Red Dragon,
I kinda like that.
So basically my truck is falling apart.
The power steering pump went on it, as well as the rotors in the front, and etc. etc. etc. Just this last weekend my clutch went on it. Turned out there was little to no clutch fluid in the resevoir. Drove my truck home at 330 in the morning from far far away with no clutch.
Now our class is in the auto-shop learning about cars as part of our program.
Means I get hoist time. And MAN have we been using it on my truck. Today we ripped off both front rotors and replaced them, while packing the bearings with new grease and checking out my clutch slave cyclinder.
I got two good friends in the class who are motivated to work on my truck, and I am happy to oblige!
Its better than just working on cars donated to the shop, cause there is more importance to it. This way we are all getting Matts, (my), truck in better shape. Makes us feel good. Only a cold beer would finish that comraderie right off.
The new with the cleaned up hub bolted to it
Not very good quality camera, but that upper rotor (old one) is pitted worse than the moon with rust spots. As well as having a huge amount of surface in the inside covered in rust.
called it the Red Dragon,
I kinda like that.
So basically my truck is falling apart.
The power steering pump went on it, as well as the rotors in the front, and etc. etc. etc. Just this last weekend my clutch went on it. Turned out there was little to no clutch fluid in the resevoir. Drove my truck home at 330 in the morning from far far away with no clutch.
Now our class is in the auto-shop learning about cars as part of our program.
Means I get hoist time. And MAN have we been using it on my truck. Today we ripped off both front rotors and replaced them, while packing the bearings with new grease and checking out my clutch slave cyclinder.
I got two good friends in the class who are motivated to work on my truck, and I am happy to oblige!
Its better than just working on cars donated to the shop, cause there is more importance to it. This way we are all getting Matts, (my), truck in better shape. Makes us feel good. Only a cold beer would finish that comraderie right off.
The new with the cleaned up hub bolted to it
Not very good quality camera, but that upper rotor (old one) is pitted worse than the moon with rust spots. As well as having a huge amount of surface in the inside covered in rust.
Start Fresh?
I havent been blogging.
Part of that is cause Ive been happy. Part of that is cause I have been busy. Part of that Is cause Ive been lazy.
But most of it is because Ive been afraid to.
I havent been doing anything too exciting or strange, yet there have been some interesting stories that have happened, and things in my life I could definately blog about.
I went home for the holidays, worked HARD while I was there; made some money for my efforts. I have come back to school in the mean time and am working hard now at that.
Ive been hitting the climbing gym again regularly. Im starting to get to the point where I am in the top half of climbers there, ability wise. Not that climbing is competitive against others, but I use that as a point of relativity.
and my truck....... Oh my truck.
Ill blog a story or two now, get me back on track from over a month of quiet.
I havent been blogging.
Part of that is cause Ive been happy. Part of that is cause I have been busy. Part of that Is cause Ive been lazy.
But most of it is because Ive been afraid to.
I havent been doing anything too exciting or strange, yet there have been some interesting stories that have happened, and things in my life I could definately blog about.
I went home for the holidays, worked HARD while I was there; made some money for my efforts. I have come back to school in the mean time and am working hard now at that.
Ive been hitting the climbing gym again regularly. Im starting to get to the point where I am in the top half of climbers there, ability wise. Not that climbing is competitive against others, but I use that as a point of relativity.
and my truck....... Oh my truck.
Ill blog a story or two now, get me back on track from over a month of quiet.
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